The Ancient Path

Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls. But they said, "We will not walk in it." - Jeremiah 6:16

Recent posts

Obedience Must Keep Pace with Knowledge

2 years ago

You recently said to me something like, “We can’t go any faster than the Lord is taking us.” This is very true. But it's also true (and important to understand) that we can go much SLOWER than He is trying to lead us, and we do this whenever obedience doesn’t keep pace with knowledge.I believe this was my problem for years, though I was far from understanding it. When I...

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Words and the Word


2 years ago

As strange as it sounds, one of the greatest hindrances to truly knowing the Lord can be our familiarity with biblical words and spiritual concepts. There was a time when the Lord had to show me that, though I was very acquainted with scriptural words, I was a stranger to the spiritual realities that these words described or pointed to. To say it another way...

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Who Chooses Who?

2 years ago

[A response to an email where I was asked, “Who chooses who? Do we choose God, or does God choose us?] I believe the answer to your question begins with understanding that God’s work in man, His call, or the sowing of His seed, is ALWAYS previous to man’s response or work. Man, OF HIMSELF, cannot choose God, find God, know God, or even believe in God with true and living fai...

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Some sites and services I recommend:

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In my opinion, there is no other collection of Christian writings that more accurately communicates or more powerfully illustrates the soul-transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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By far, the best internet protection software I’ve seen for parents who are genuinely concerned about their children’s online activity. Currently only available for Mac computers.

While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light. - John 12:26